Of course, in case of targets who have their magic resistance at 0, or low enough to be put to 0 without the soulseeker bonus, the bonus is useless. This huge bonus showcases the importance of spell resistances/spell penetration.

In this case, going from 200 to 175 effective resistance is going from 50% to 56.25% damage taken - an effective damage increase of 12.5%! And damage isn't the only benefit, as it will also increase the likelihood of target being affected by important CC, assuming they have resistance to that school of magic. If someone swaps to a shadow resistance set with 200 resistance before engaging you, he'll resist/lower the average damage received by 50%. The more resistance the enemy has, the more the increase is. 25 spell resistance is equal to a 6.25% chance to resist a spell, after all.(100/93.75 = 1.066.).

If +25 spell penetration effect is put to use fully, it will increase the damage dealt by AT LEAST 6.67%. Comment by SeekerWiThis item is potentially more useful than even Atiesh, the caster legendary.