Remember that VATS requires action points, so you may run out after a few shots. To use it enter VATS (R2 on the PS3, RB on the Xbox 360), then select the body part you want to hit with the fire button, then exit VATS to fire. When you see them, you can enter VATS, the game’s targeting system. She will tell you crouch down and sneak up on the Geckos. Follow Sunny and she will take you to the well. Once you shoot three bottles, Sunny will ask you to go with her to hunt some Geckos. If you have trouble hitting the bottles, try moving closer to them. This gun isn’t all that accurate, and hitting targets requires not only careful aiming, but also a high Guns skill. She will hand you an old Varmint Rifle and ask you to shoot some bottles on the fence.

Enter the Prospector Saloon and speak to Sunny Smiles. Now head down what’s left of the main street of Goodsprings. Exit the Doc’s house to complete this level. Hardcore mode is recommend only for experienced Fallout players. You will also be asked if you want to enter Hardcore mode. You’ll then get some basic inventory items, including a Pip-Boy. You can improve skills over the course of the game. You will then be shown a list, and you can pick your skills. There are no wrong answers, the results are used to suggest what skills you should choose. Next, you’ll sit down on the couch and answer some questions.

If you’re undecided, spread the points out among all the attributes, and you can improve them later. You can improve these attributes as the game goes on, but now is a good time to think about the play style you want to use. You can have as little as one point in an attribute, or as many as 10. Each attribute is set at 5, and you can adjust it up or down. You have 40 points to spread among Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. The Vit-o-matic Vigor tester will allow you to select your attributes. You can then change your character’s gender and appearance. The default name is “Courier” (that’s the name this guide will use), but you can select anything you like.

Your first choice will be your character’s name. Your first real action of the game is to create a character. There are also multiple ways to achieve a quest, and some of those decisions will open or close quest lines. You can align yourself with different factions, which will open up different quests.

You won’t necessarily get these missions in the order they are presented here, depending on what actions you take during the game. There are many different ways to go through the main quest in Fallout: New Vegas. To make things easire here’s the rundown of the quests: I’d have to say props to wikicheats for providing us gamers the needed help in this latest Fallout game, (seems that we really need it too lol). Here’s the main quest guide for Fallout: New Vegas.